[2001-03-30] Major Site Update

For an as yet unknown reason, all sorts of unlikely people visit my home page and actually give me feedback on how to improve this site even though there was absolutely nothing here. I decided to put something here so that I could at least pretend to understand why they would have visited my site.

On a suggestion from Bianca Broussard, I decided to adopt a weblog style for these pages. Sloth, the greatest affliction of my life, prevents me from completely changing the site every now and then. Besides, I can pretend to be in with the current fad in home page design.

I have completely reorganised the site and have divided it into various sections of possible interest to the people who come to this site. The links at the top of my home page will take you to these sections. Let's hope I update this site regularly and people find it useful. I would love to hear from you on how I can improve this site.

Other Posts from 2001